A few years ago, I started keeping a lending library of pet products that I lend to clients so people can try before they buy some of the more expensive products. This began when I realized how many people would love the Furminator but were hesitant to buy one because it’s so much more expensive . . . → Read More: Something Borrowed, Something Reviewed (Lending Library Of Pet Products)
Through years of fostering extremely timid cats from the Feline Friends shelter, I’ve learned some useful techniques for gaining the trust of shy and fearful cats. I’ve also tried dozens of products that claim to help shy animals and have a list of some products that actually do help. I also know how reassuring it . . . → Read More: From Super Shy To Super Fly (Helping Shy Pets Be More Comfy When You’re Away)
Ok. I admit it. I’m a worrier. I try to make these tendencies work FOR me rather than against me. For example, I worry about what would happen to the animals I care for in the event that something horrible happened to me. So I’ve created contingency plans for many possible (and improbable) pet sitting . . . → Read More: Kari Kells, Worrier Princess: Contingency Plans
I love most of the non-clay litters on the market these days. So many people who think that cat litter boxes are stinky base that on the smell of the perfumed, clay litter. My favorites are S’wheat Scoop (wheat) and World’s Best (corn). They clump really well and I think both of them smell like . . . → Read More: I Have A Litter Secret To Share (Cleaning Tips For Wood Pellet Cat Litter)
This is the time of year that many grocery & department stores have one of my favorite, inexpensive cat toys: plastic Easter eggs in a variety of colors, sizes, & textures.