Recently, one of my clients discovered that his veterinary health insurance policy reimburses him for up to $500 in pet sitting fees in the event that he is admitted to the hospital! Hearing this news got me thinking about looking into veterinary health insurance again.
I’m starting to prepare my cats for the fireworks that are already starting up in my neighborhood. I’ve already created new “safe places” for them to hide, plugged in pheromone diffusers, and added a flower essence called Peaceful 4th that is made by a very gifted local gal, Lin Gregerson. I’ve found Lin’s blend to . . . → Read More: Getting Ready For The Red, Fright, and Blue
If you live alone, it’s a good idea to make sure your loved ones have your pet sitter’s contact info. They can then contact the sitter if you ever have an emergency and need me to step in immediately.
It’s that time a year again – we see a lot of red, white, and blue and we see tons of scared dogs and cats. My neighborhood is already experiencing loud noises and little bright explosions that terrify local dogs and cats.
This is also the time of year when animal shelters get the most . . . → Read More: Red, Fright, and Blue
I like giving cats wheatgrass to snack on – even more so, now that I’ve learned a couple tips to make it last longer.
Wheatgrass is a lovely, yellowish, light green.
Water the grass every few days. Like most plants, it starts to turn brown & wilt when it doesn’t get enough water. Watering . . . → Read More: How To Make Sure YOUR Grass Is Greener