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You Can’t Take Them With You (Estate Planning For Your Pets)

Studies show that somewhere between 12% and 27% of pet owners include their pets in their wills. Clearly, I’m not alone in making provisions in case my cats outlive me. I also feel honored to be named as the caretaker (godparent) for dogs and cats in the wills of several friends and clients.

Kitty . . . → Read More: You Can’t Take Them With You (Estate Planning For Your Pets)


Pooches & Pussycats With Picky Palates (Feeding Finicky Cats & Dogs)

I bet you know at least one dog or cat who’s picky about their food. It’s pretty common for these guys to turn up their nose at some – or many – of the foods that we offer them. Often this situation is due to how and what they were fed early in their lives. . . . → Read More: Pooches & Pussycats With Picky Palates (Feeding Finicky Cats & Dogs)


The Weight Escape (Importance Of Maintaining Ideal Weight For Dogs & Cats)

Obesity is the most common nutritional problem in dogs and cats in industrial nations, with experts estimating that 20-50% of cats and 25-30% of dogs are overweight.

When I first started researching weight loss diets for dogs and cats, I was surprised to learn that there is no such thing as one perfect weight-management food . . . → Read More: The Weight Escape (Importance Of Maintaining Ideal Weight For Dogs & Cats)


Going Against The Grain (Grain-Free Pet Food)

The grain-free trend in pet food emerged as scientists began studying the diets of dogs and cats in the wild and the diets of their ancestors. They discovered that dogs’ and cats’ bodies have a limited ability to extract nutrients from non-meat sources.

Although many animals do well on grain-free diets, some animals do better . . . → Read More: Going Against The Grain (Grain-Free Pet Food)


Corn Gluten Meal – It Don’t Get No Respect!

One of the most misunderstood ingredients in dog and cat food is corn gluten meal.

The main concern I hear people mention is that it’s used as an herbicide. My response to that is that I use something far more destructive (to plants) as an herbicide: a mix of salt & vinegar. Since it’s toxic . . . → Read More: Corn Gluten Meal – It Don’t Get No Respect!
