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Arthritis In Dogs – Slowing Its Progression & Managing The Pain (Workshop on Dec 14 2013)

Coming soon is another workshop at my vet (Hawks Prairie Veterinary Hospital) taught by Marnie Black. Marnie is licensed in Small Animal Massage and specializes in working with animals who have special needs. She’s lived with several dogs who had arthritis. Bring your small animal if you want to practice the massage techniques on your . . . → Read More: Arthritis In Dogs – Slowing Its Progression & Managing The Pain (Workshop on Dec 14 2013)


Fast Talking Vets (Get Help Immediately When Cats Stop Eating)

Most veterinarians and scientific studies say that cats are in grave danger if they go without food for more than a day or two.

I was recently stunned to discover that 2 veterinarians at a local clinic follow a unique protocol for feline critical care. These 2 vets recently saw one of my clients’ cats . . . → Read More: Fast Talking Vets (Get Help Immediately When Cats Stop Eating)


The Weight Escape (Importance Of Maintaining Ideal Weight For Dogs & Cats)

Obesity is the most common nutritional problem in dogs and cats in industrial nations, with experts estimating that 20-50% of cats and 25-30% of dogs are overweight.

When I first started researching weight loss diets for dogs and cats, I was surprised to learn that there is no such thing as one perfect weight-management food . . . → Read More: The Weight Escape (Importance Of Maintaining Ideal Weight For Dogs & Cats)


For Whom the Bowels Toll (Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Dogs & Cats)

Inflamed intestines

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), sometimes called Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), is a term that actually refers to several diseases that cause chronic intestinal problems. The lining of the intestines becomes inflamed due to an overactive immune system and overgrowth of intestinal bacteria, which causes the body to no longer properly digest foods . . . → Read More: For Whom the Bowels Toll (Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Dogs & Cats)


The Pet Renal Code (Kidney Disease in Dogs and Cats)

Chronic Renal Failure (CRF), also called Chronic Renal Insufficiency (CRI), is a serious, terminal condition so it’s important that dogs and cats with CRF have their health managed by a veterinarian. It’s critical for people to know how this condition progresses so they can reduce their pet’s end-of-life suffering.

This post contains details that I . . . → Read More: The Pet Renal Code (Kidney Disease in Dogs and Cats)
