If your finances limit your ability to seek necessary medical treatment for your companion, please contact Frankie’s Friends. They’re a non-profit foundation dedicated to finding cures and saving pets with cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
Dumpster Dan (aka Dandy Man, Little Dan, and Danny Boy) is the most recent Feline Friends foster cat to join my family. He might be here as one of my hospice foster kitties, but there’s a chance we can get him healthy enough that he can be adopted out into a forever home.
The repercussions of scruffing cats can be detrimental and damaging to relationships, behavior, and even their physical health. According to the ASPCA’s Manager of Applied Research, Natasha Drain, “Scruffing a cat, where you firmly grasp the skin at the top of the neck or base of the head, can cause some cats to become defensive . . . → Read More: Why I Don’t Carry Fluffs By The Scruff (Scruffing Cats Only When Medically Necessary)
I recently said my final goodbye to Nuageux (JoJo), my first hospice foster kitty. The loving and gentle Dr Blair Burggren of Peaceful Transitions helped ease JoJo into his final sleep on May 26th. It was only then that I was able to kiss JoJo’s cheeks and toes. (He allowed only kisses on his head . . . → Read More: Nuageux’s Peaceful Transition (Hospice Cat Update)
Hi. Our names are Arya and Meera and we’re looking for our forever home. Do you know a family who would like to adopt 2 playful, affectionate, social, and gregarious sister kitties?
Someone abandoned us on the Chehalis-Western Trail when we were tiny kittens. Fortunately someone rescued us and took us to a foster home. . . . → Read More: Arya And Meera Need A Forever Home