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Royal Farewell (Emma’s Departure)

Last week, my family suffered a huge loss. Emma – my youngest (8 yr old) and we thought healthiest cat – was hit by a sudden illness and she did not survive.

I’m still in shock because although The Velveteen Princess was blind, FIV+, and had occasional seizures, this was the only illness that caused . . . → Read More: Royal Farewell (Emma’s Departure)


Jif Looking For Forever Home

Happy update: Jif has been adopted by a family I know well enough to know that there is no better home for him.

It’s a dream come true for this super-shy guy! Congratulations, Mr. Jiffy!

Original post below…


I’m currently fostering Jif, a healthy, adult (approx 5 yrs) guy wearing a tuxedo who’s in . . . → Read More: Jif Looking For Forever Home


When The Breaking-Down Process Is Broken Down (Pancreatitis In Dogs And Cats)

An inflamed pancreas (pancreatitis) is the most common exocrine pancreatic disease in cats and dogs. In animals with this condition, the digestive enzymes leave the pancreas –where they break down proteins and fat in foods – and move out into the rest of the body where the enzymes begin to digest proteins and fats in . . . → Read More: When The Breaking-Down Process Is Broken Down (Pancreatitis In Dogs And Cats)


Evander Is Still Winning Round After Round (Hospice Cat Update)

I’m very happy to report that Evander “Whitey” Kells continues to thrive despite the progression of his cancer. He has now lived comfortably for longer than any of us had expected!

Laying in bed alone with me always puts a smile on his face.

There have been times when he’s been uncomfortable and has . . . → Read More: Evander Is Still Winning Round After Round (Hospice Cat Update)


Pay It Forward For Our Furry Friends (Veterinary Blood & Organ Donation Programs)

Did you know that there are programs for cats and dogs to be blood, organ, and tissue donors? If you’re interested, check out these resources:

Basics about donating companions organs, blood, and/or tissue

Cress, Caitlin. “Euthanized pets give one last gift.” PBS NewsHour. 17 Aug 2014. 6 Sept 2016. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/euthanized-pets-give-one-last-gift/ Granshaw, Lisa. “What owners need . . . → Read More: Pay It Forward For Our Furry Friends (Veterinary Blood & Organ Donation Programs)
