A lot of us know our cats like to drink from fountains and we’re unhappy to discover that most drinking fountains made for felines are all function and no form. Until this winter, my favorites were the ones that were simple and sleek, made by Drinkwell .
Last Thursday night, Evander made it very clear to me that he was done. He enjoyed his time with me, but he had enough of the pain. The trade-off (fun, food, lovin in exchange for a bit of pain when his meds wore off) was no longer worth it to him. Fortunately, Dr Blair Burggren . . . → Read More: Evander’s Fight Has Ended (Hospice Cat Update)
My favorite technique for removing furry mats from dogs and cats is to apply olive oil to the base of the mat. Then just sit back and wait for the mat to fall off on its own. If you apply enough oil to the right spot, the mat will just fall off within a few . . . → Read More: Oiling Point Of Fur Mats (Using Olive Oil To Remove Clumps Of Matted Fur)
Supervising activity in the office during a rare moment of Rosey’s inactivity.
I’ve been too devastated to share the news until now. But our darling Rosey (aka “Dumpster Dan”) was euthanized on June 8th. There’s never a good time for these things, but the timing was terrible; it was less than a month after . . . → Read More: Rosey’s (aka “Dumpster Dan”) Peaceful Transition (Hospice Cat Update)