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Caught On Camera: Dementia Patient Gets Robotic Cat

I cried reading this article. https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/16/moment-grandfather-dementia-whose-dying-wish-cat-given-robotic-feline-12070303/

Robert had dementia and lived in a care facility. He had rescued cats all his life and was accustomed to being surrounded by his feline family members. But his home didn’t allow cats. (Also, Robert had lost the abilities to take care of cats.) A family member heard about . . . → Read More: Caught On Camera: Dementia Patient Gets Robotic Cat


How Do Cats Use Their Whiskers (video)

One of my friends just showed me this short video (less than 5 min) about how cats use their whiskers. It includes some amazing slow-motion images that demonstrate the vital role that their whiskers play when hunting prey (and toys). It’s from a BBC series called Cats Uncovered and was posted to the uber cool . . . → Read More: How Do Cats Use Their Whiskers (video)


How Hot Is It?


Introducing: Tootie

On April 8 2018, Rumi was jazzed to meet his new sibling, Tootie! Sorry that I waited so long to introduce this baby to you. I wanted to wait until this little one had a name and finding the right name was a big challenge this time. (More on that below.)

Tootie the Goofball!

. . . → Read More: Introducing: Tootie


Lucky To The Very End (Hospice Cat Update)

Last week, Lucky Lester‘s life ended. For the first few months with us, he kept improving. Initially able to use his hind legs only a tiny bit and eventually so strong that he even climbed stairs to sleep on a bed surrounded by windows or on a different bed to sleep with me at night. . . . → Read More: Lucky To The Very End (Hospice Cat Update)
