Many people don’t realize that declawing cats involves amputating part of their toes. Since cats walk on the part of the toe that’s amputated, many declawed cats show signs of chronic pain in their arms and back. Many people are familiar with cats’ post-amputation behavioral problems, but few realize these are probably due to physical . . . → Read More: Claw School (Declawing Cats 101)
Obesity is the most common nutritional problem in dogs and cats in industrial nations, with experts estimating that 20-50% of cats and 25-30% of dogs are overweight.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), sometimes called Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), is a term that actually refers to several diseases that cause chronic intestinal problems. The lining of the intestines becomes inflamed due to an overactive immune system and overgrowth of intestinal bacteria, which causes the body to no longer properly digest foods . . . → Read More: For Whom the Bowels Toll (Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Dogs & Cats)