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Red, Fright, and Blue

It’s that time a year again – we see a lot of red, white, and blue and we see tons of scared dogs and cats. My neighborhood is already experiencing loud noises and little bright explosions that terrify local dogs and cats.

This is also the time of year when animal shelters get the most . . . → Read More: Red, Fright, and Blue


Tongue Fu: Why Do Dogs & Cats Chew, Suck On, And Eat Strange Things?

Pica (pronounced “PIE-kuh”) is the behavior of eating nonfood materials.

The most common form of pica in cats is wool sucking. The most common form of pica in dogs is coprophagia. In this post I’ll describe strategies for managing the behavior or putting an end to it, as well as theories about some of the . . . → Read More: Tongue Fu: Why Do Dogs & Cats Chew, Suck On, And Eat Strange Things?


Location, Location, Location: A Critical Factor For Many Feline Functions

A lot of frustrations that people experience with their cats can be solved simply by moving the kitty supplies from one spot to another. Below are some of the location-related details I mention to people most often.


Most of us humans like to put dog and cat water dishes right next to food dishes, . . . → Read More: Location, Location, Location: A Critical Factor For Many Feline Functions


“Playtime for Cats” by Dbaly and Sigl (book review)

I borrowed a neato book from the library not too long ago called Playtime for cats : activities and games for felines by Helena Dbaly (a cat breeder) and Stefanie Sigl (a “cat and dog psychologist”).

Take a look at this book if you would like ideas about how to encourage your cat to play . . . → Read More: “Playtime for Cats” by Dbaly and Sigl (book review)


Kibble Predators On The Indoor Prairie

This fun tip can help animals lose weight without changing their diet, give them more exercise even when you’re not around, and help when one animal dominates the food.

Hunting kibble is hard work! (Saffron rests after kibble hunting.)

One of the little extras I do for my cats (and some clients’ animals) is . . . → Read More: Kibble Predators On The Indoor Prairie
