After an unusually long stay with me, my foster kitten Bingo finally has his forever family! The couple is an absolutely PERFECT for Bingo. He was very brave about meeting them.
A few weeks ago something so funny happened at a client’s house that I have to share the story.
(Photo by Jack Gavigan)
The client was gone for a week and I visited once a day. She has her own garden and this year she grew many different types of tomatoes: beefsteak, cherry, grape, . . . → Read More: Attack Of The Thriller Tomatoes
On Cinco de Mayo, my car got slammed on the drivers side by a truck. Luckily, although my car needs body work, no other bodies were injured. Not even the sweet dog riding without a seat belt in the truck that hit me. So why am I blogging about this on my pet sitting website?
Well (sigh) I’ve put aside this update long enough. I kept waiting thinking I’d have better news for you… But… Alas… Our itchy problem continues to plague us.
Post-dip cuddles
Since we saw Dr. Mundrell (the awesome veterinary dermatologist), we have gone through 10 weekly lime sulfur dips. (I’m learning a lot of tactics to . . . → Read More: Life’s An Itch (Part 6)
The trip to the veterinary dermatologist to get more help with our itchy problem was AWESOME! The Dr. Mundrell is friendly, warm, respectful, loving, diligent, etc! He was very understanding of Andy’s mistrust of men.
I’m glad we went, even tho it was a long wait, long drive, big bill (although not as big as . . . → Read More: Life’s An Itch (Part 5)