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This Tugs For You

A couple years ago I discovered a line of dog toys that were the most durable I’d ever seen and I’ve continued to be amazed at how well they last.

climbing rope

Kilo Hitch Tugs are made out of climbing rope – you know, the rope that mountain climbers and rock climbers rely on . . . → Read More: This Tugs For You


Take It Off Leash

Pam Ore, One of my partners in Fauna Collective, wrote a swell article about the value of dog parks in keeping dogs healthy and happy: “Dog parks give dogs the mental challenges and physical exercise they need to stay healthy, fit and socially well adjusted”. Below is a copy, posted with permission of course.

Dog . . . → Read More: Take It Off Leash


Slip Slidin’ No More

Creative uses of non-skid carpet pads can minimize common annoyances for people who live with dogs and cats.

Obviously these pads are made to go under area rugs, and when used that way dogs and cats have an easier time controlling their movements as they run through the house or wrestle.

I use these pads . . . → Read More: Slip Slidin’ No More
