Yes, I’m pet sitting during the pandemic. Established clients (families I already know) are welcome to contact me when they need me.
Please note: I’m not taking new clients because I’m not doing face-to-face interactions unless it’s a life-or-death emergency. This will be re-evaluated when Thurston County infection rates are near . . . → Read More: My Services During The Pandemic
In our region, most of us have considered what we’d do in case of an earthquake. Those of us who have furry, feathered, or finned family members need to keep them in mind as we create our emergency plans. Of course, emergencies can be brief or long-lasting and come in many forms from being snow-bound . . . → Read More: Preparing For The Worst (Emergency & Disaster Preparedness For Pets)
If you live alone, it’s a good idea to make sure your loved ones have your pet sitter’s contact info. They can then contact the sitter if you ever have an emergency and need me to step in immediately.
On Cinco de Mayo, my car got slammed on the drivers side by a truck. Luckily, although my car needs body work, no other bodies were injured. Not even the sweet dog riding without a seat belt in the truck that hit me. So why am I blogging about this on my pet sitting website?