Sydney (above) showed up on my property and asked me to help him find a forever home. Word is getting around that this is THE place to come for help! Photo courtesy of Steve Campion
I recently read Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight about Animals by Hal Herzog, an anthrozoologist. Whoa – this book blew my mind! It was great fun to read, despite details that I found problematic. (P.S. This is also available as an audiobook, which is . . . → Read More: Animals – It’s A Love, Hate, Eat Relationship (book review)
It’s the best feline biography I’ve ever encountered. The author, Gwen Cooper, beautifully writes about her relationships with her three cats, their personalities, and their interactions with each other. She certainly admires Homer and she describes him in ways that clearly illustrate we can learn a lot by following . . . → Read More: Homer’s Odyssey (not THAT one) is a Must Read! (book review)
I borrowed a neato book from the library not too long ago called Playtime for cats : activities and games for felines by Helena Dbaly (a cat breeder) and Stefanie Sigl (a “cat and dog psychologist”).