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Kitty highs: pot luck of herb alternatives to catnip (Silvervine, Honeysuckle, Valerian)

We all know about catnip’s reputation for getting kitties “high”. The idea that cats get “high” from catnip in the same ways that humans get high from marijuana is debatable. And some cats don’t react at all to catnip. What is known & agreed upon is that the chemicals in catnip & the alternatives are . . . → Read More: Kitty highs: pot luck of herb alternatives to catnip (Silvervine, Honeysuckle, Valerian)


Homer’s Odyssey (not THAT one) is a Must Read! (book review)

I couldn’t put this book down!

It’s the best feline biography I’ve ever encountered. The author, Gwen Cooper, beautifully writes about her relationships with her three cats, their personalities, and their interactions with each other. She certainly admires Homer and she describes him in ways that clearly illustrate we can learn a lot by following . . . → Read More: Homer’s Odyssey (not THAT one) is a Must Read! (book review)


Introducing… Emma (M.J.)

Emma during recovery

In January 2010, Snicklefritz (Fritz), Andy and I welcomed a new kitty into our home.

We call her Emma, but the name given to her at Feline Friends was MJ, the initials of a long-time Feline Friends volunteer and supporter who died at the same time that MJ was found.

She . . . → Read More: Introducing… Emma (M.J.)
