I was recently talking with someone about how new clients can tell, almost immediately, that I’m a worrier. Some people find it reassuring to discover this quality in their pet sitter, while others just think it’s quirky.
Below is a partial list of (amusing?) signs that I am, indeed, a full-blown Worrier Princess.
Ok. I admit it. I’m a worrier. I try to make these tendencies work FOR me rather than against me. For example, I worry about what would happen to the animals I care for in the event that something horrible happened to me. So I’ve created contingency plans for many possible (and improbable) pet sitting . . . → Read More: Kari Kells, Worrier Princess: Contingency Plans
A few weeks ago something so funny happened at a client’s house that I have to share the story.
(Photo by Jack Gavigan)
The client was gone for a week and I visited once a day. She has her own garden and this year she grew many different types of tomatoes: beefsteak, cherry, grape, . . . → Read More: Attack Of The Thriller Tomatoes
On Cinco de Mayo, my car got slammed on the drivers side by a truck. Luckily, although my car needs body work, no other bodies were injured. Not even the sweet dog riding without a seat belt in the truck that hit me. So why am I blogging about this on my pet sitting website?
Well (sigh) I’ve put aside this update long enough. I kept waiting thinking I’d have better news for you… But… Alas… Our itchy problem continues to plague us.
Post-dip cuddles
Since we saw Dr. Mundrell (the awesome veterinary dermatologist), we have gone through 10 weekly lime sulfur dips. (I’m learning a lot of tactics to . . . → Read More: Life’s An Itch (Part 6)