When I meet you and your pets for the first time, I’ll bring a Service Agreement for us to sign. I use a Service Agreement so we can avoid misunderstandings that can occur when people make assumptions. I will also take notes about your pets’ usual routines and preferred supplies. Let me know if you would like me to email you a copy of the Service Agreement or the list of questions that I’ll ask you in our first meeting. (Seeing these in advance can give you a chance to write down questions about anything that is unclear or confusing.)
- I meet all new clients in person before working with them. This Meet-n-Greet is free. I want you to be comfortable with me taking responsibility for your pets’ safety and comfort while you are away. (Click here if you would like detailed information about the meeting, including a list of questions I’ll ask.)
- I usually need at least a week’s notice before starting to work with new clients. I’m happy to accommodate you on short-notice whenever possible.
- I will confirm your dates at least a few days before you leave. It’s important that there are no misunderstandings about your departure and return!
- If you need to cancel, please contact me as soon as you can. Cancellations received 6 days or less before scheduled reservations will be subject to the Cancellation Policy.
- I ask that you contact me when you have returned home. I will continue to care for your pets until I receive confirmation that you are home. As you can imagine, it is unsafe for me to assume that you arrived home at your scheduled time. If you do not return at the expected time and have not contacted me within 48 hours I will continue to care for your pets. These visits will be subject to the Extended Services Policy.
- I am fully licensed and insured through Pet Sitters Associates, LLC. I will remain licensed and insured as long as I am caring for pets. Pet sitter insurance provides protection for your home, property, and pets by covering expenses for accidents that result in property damage or injury. This insurance also covers other negligence claims like pets causing injuries to others while in my care. Click here to read more about pet sitter insurance.
- A signed Veterinary Release Form must be provided before any services are provided. It’s easiest to make arrangements with your vet in advance. (For example, you can arrange for the vet will bill you later or you can leave credit card authorization with the vet. Otherwise, you can leave a signed blank check with the memo “for veterinary care only”.
- I have a contingency plan so your pets will be cared for if adverse weather affects our area, if a natural disaster occurs, or if I am injured while your pets are in my care. Your pets’ safety and well-being are my primary concern. When it is safe for me to travel, I will make every effort to ensure that your pets and home are safe and secure, I will advise you of any damage I see, and I will try to prevent any further damage.
- I have a clear plan for getting your pet medical care if the need arises while they’re with me. Together, you and I will make arrangements so that I know your preferred veterinarian and your preferred courses of action for pet emergencies. I am American Red Cross Certified in pet first aid and CPR, so I can handle minor medical emergencies before we arrive at the vet.

- Feel free to call me to check on your pets while you are away. If you plan to check voicemail or email during your absence, I can leave updates for you. Activity Journals are provided on paper, through email, or on the phone, as noted on my list of services.
- Let me know if anyone has access to your home or if anyone has permission to enter your home while you are away. If I arrive and find things out-of-place or find a stranger in your home, I will call the police first and ask questions later.
- I prefer to keep copies of keys on file for future service needs. (Click here to read more about my Ready Key Program.) Many of my clients are comforted knowing that if something comes up (like they have to work late, they’ve locked themselves out of the house, or if they have a medical emergency) I have a copy of the house key and am happy to help them out in a pinch.
- I will not lock keys in the house after the last visit. I want to be able to access your pets if your return is unexpectedly delayed.
- You may opt to use postal mail to send keys to me before or after any service period.
- I will not visit unsecured homes with doors left unlocked. Homes must be kept locked to ensure my safety and your cats’ safety, and also to meet my insurance requirements.
- Pets that I care for must be secured inside their home, yard, or pen. It is strongly advised that all pets have some form of permanent identification, such as collar tags or microchips.
- You must provide safe and unobstructed access to the pets in my care. This includes safe lighting, removal of snow and ice, and clear access to the home during construction.
- I like to work with animals who have special needs or are very sick. If this describes your pet, let’s talk about whether overnight visits might be best.
- All pets in my care must be up to date on their vaccinations. This limits exposure to diseases for all the animals I’m caring for.
- If your pets are aggressive, I might not be able to work with them. We will have to talk about the kinds of aggressive behavior you’ve seen and I’ll want to meet them to see how we get along.
- I do not like to job share with friends, relatives, representatives, contractors, or other pet sitters. However, if this works best for you, you must “waive and relinquish any and all claims” against me during that time.
- The services, fees, and payment terms outlined on this web site are always current and up-to-date.
- In order to spend more time with your pets and less time processing paperwork, I will only provide invoices upon request.
- I will invoice and provide receipts for unplanned services and additional charges at the end of a service period. Unplanned services include but are not limited to household emergencies (such as leaks, electrical problems, plumbing problems, power surges, and acts of nature), pets requiring medical attention, and replenishing pet care supplies (such as litter, food, waste bags, cleaning supplies, and medicines).
- I will care for a small number of designated indoor plants. However, please be aware that I am not a plant expert.
- I will only care for pets whom you have legal right to place in my care.
- You are responsible for supplying the necessary safety equipment and supplies needed for care of your pets including leashes, waste bags, litter, food, cleaning supplies, and medicines. I always have a Pet First Aid Kit with me in order to efficiently handle veterinary emergencies.
- I never share people’s personal information with anyone else unless it is necessary for the care of their pets.