Sweet Suki met her purrfect forever family before the cold snap hit Olympia. And she’s settling in nicely.

Suki's proud papa
Suki seemed to know this was her new family as soon as she met them because she wasn’t nearly as shy with them. In fact, she quickly climbed into their laps and melted their hearts. The people in the neighborhood who’ve been caring of her said a bittersweet goodbye. They’ll miss her, but they’re relieved to know she’s been adopted into a loving family with two doting humans.
When Suki got to her new home, she had an indulgent evening of lap-napping. (Which will be her “new normal”. LOL.) Her mama took this photo (right) of Suki with her proud papa shortly after arriving in her new home. She loves nesting in papa’s arms where she feels safe. Mama’s warm lap and gentle petting is pretty sweet too! Suki’s purr motor has been running a lot since she’s gotten home.
Everyone who knows Suki is thrilled that she will spend the winter holidays in her new warm home surrounded by love, warm human laps to lay in, and a big sister cat* to play and cuddle with.
Congratulations to Suki and her new humans and her big sisterkitty!
* Suki and her big sister, a cat who is just a smidge older than she is, haven’t met yet. Her sister has been pushing toys under the door, trying to entice Suki to play with her. We all think that Suki will enjoy having a big sister to cuddle with and to chase up and down the staircase. Her sister is clearly eager to teach Suki some fun new games.

Suki's big sister is intrigued about who's behind the door
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