Ok. I admit it. I’m a worrier. I try to make these tendencies work FOR me rather than against me. For example, I worry about what would happen to the animals I care for in the event that something horrible happened to me. So I’ve created contingency plans for many possible (and improbable) pet sitting situations. (Seriously, have you seen my contract? Talk about planning for “what if” situations. Oy!)

My new ID tag.
I recently added another detail to my in-case-of-emergency Plan B: an ID tag that’s attached to my lanyard of keys. Sure, I have ID in my purse, but if that’s the only place I have ID, emergency personnel would have to spend time digging through my purse to find my wallet, and notice the paper list of emergency contacts and medical info. I want them to get my info – and notify my emergency contacts – MUCH faster than that.
The tag I chose has a traditional caducei engraved on the front, so they’ll know it’s critical for them to pay attention to my existing health issues. Engraved on the back are my name, age, 3 emergency contacts, and health info. As soon as my emergency contacts are contacted, my pet sitting Plan B kicks into action to make sure my clients’ pets continue to be cared for. Ideally, their animals wouldn’t notice any interruption in care.
I ordered my ID tag from RoadID, a company specializing in ID tags for people on the go like bikers and joggers. They have tags that can be laced into your running/biking shoes, that are wrist bands, etc. I chose a more traditional ID because I could attach it to the lanyard I wear around my neck, which I assume would be immediately obvious to emergency personnel.
If you also have worrier tendencies, I highly recommend that you visit the RoadID website to see all their cool products. I love the dog collar ID! It’s much easier to read than the tags you buy at pet supply stores.
(Note: I do not accept payment for mentions or reviews of products and services that I write about on this site.)
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