I recently read Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight about Animals by Hal Herzog, an anthrozoologist. Whoa – this book blew my mind! It was great fun to read, despite details that I found problematic. (P.S. This is also available as an audiobook, which is . . . → Read More: Animals – It’s A Love, Hate, Eat Relationship (book review)
Several times a month I share this tip with people, so it seems like one I should write down and distribute more widely, like on my blog.
If you know a cat or dog who frequently vomits clumps of freshly eaten, undigested food it could be that raising their food dishes off the floor will . . . → Read More: Raising The Steaks (and kibble) Can Reduce Vomiting
Typical results of a FURmination if you only use it once a month or so. No kidding!
I was recently telling yet another person about the best dog/cat grooming brush EVER: The FURminator. To see videos of the FURminator in action, check out the company’s YouTube channel.
Many common houseplants are toxic to dogs and cats. And calling something “toxic” might mean any number of things because figuring out plant toxicity is more complex than first meets the eye. For example: