AJ waiting for dinner. (Snapshot by SC.)
Sad day today. I caught two stray cats yesterday & took them to the vet today. One of them, AJ, was sick so he was euthanized. Luckily, the vet & Feline Friends are totally happy with me staying there as he got his shot. AJ was a lovely, friendly, affectionate cat & I’ll miss him a lot. He had a wonderful time last night, cuddling with me on the bed. He never once seemed scared or sad – just totally full of joy. Poor little guy.
I wish I had enough room to have a cat hospice in my house. AJ would’ve been a fantastic resident.
A friend got a few photos of the activity inside the house when I’m befriending a new cat outside. Below is a shot of my cats inside observing and being energetic. Hence the blur.
Helping me that night was a neighborhood cat I call Spanky, who has people and he doesn’t live with me. No, really, he does not live with me. I swear he doesn’t. I have to remind him of this several times a day because he spends way more time in my yard in El Missiano Del Gato than at his people’s house.
Spanky didn’t welcome AJ with open arms, but he didn’t attack AJ either.

My cats supervising as I befriend AJ. Inside L-R: Rumi, Emma, and Andy. Outside: Spanky, me, AJ eating. (Photo by SC.)
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