If I’m not available on a date when you need pet sitting, we have a lot of options for making sure your companions are still cared for. I can take care of all the details or none of them. Just let me know how I can help!
- I can make all the arrangements for another professional sitter to fill in for the entire time or for just the day(s) I’m not there. I have a right hand gal / girl Friday and I schedule my unavailability around her availability. If you tell me that you don’t want to be bothered with the details, I’ll take care of everything behind the scenes: introducing her to your little ones and their routines, getting the key to her, paying her, etc.
- You can get a list of top-notch sitters from me so you can meet them and make arrangements for them to care for your companions during your entire trip or for just the day(s) I’ll miss. There are a handful of wonderful sitters who coordinate our days off so we don’t leave our clients in a lurch. (Here’s a list of folks I recommend most often. Here are tips for finding a good sitter if none of my favorites are available.)
- We can just skip a day. We’ll only do this if your companions are fine on their own for a short time.
- You can ask friends or family to fill in for the day(s) when I’m not available. I’m comfortable doing this sort of job-share because I know you trust these hand-selected people.